Summer 2022 1st half

Well, last term was terrific and the children were enthralled with all aspects of the Roman army as well as the inventions they introduced into Britain. It’s always so interesting to hear the opinions from the pupils about why they consider such innovations to be important. Boudicca also impressed the classes and the contrast in standards of living between the Celts and the Romans was immense. Thank you also, to all those children who have sent in photos relating to our learning.

Our trip to Verulamium in St Albans in March was so successful. All the three activities were great: the Hypocaust with the underfloor heating system was so impressive and the great weather that day, made the walk to this original building magnificent. Inside the museum, the children were very interested in the self -guided tour finding out information ranging from what was kept in the massive urns to aging a skeleton. Even better was the artefacts session led by a member of the museum. We all held objects that were 2000 years old and we learnt, guessed and worked out what the items were used for.

Science week was an enormous success. Thank you to all of you who sent in science selfies, it is great to see you taking your learning home and investigating further. Parents from all years came in to talk to their children’s classes about their job which is so interesting and introduces science capital. Kingfishers listened avidly to a vet and Woodpeckers and Starlings were lucky enough to “borrow” parents from KS1 who spoke about radiography and Red Bull Racing respectively. There is currently a display in year 4 with many photos from science week from all years.

Our theme this summer is the Ancient Egyptians and the children have already worked out their names in hieroglyphs and planned and written a persuasive letter to Howard Carter persuading him to employ them as an archaeologist on the elusive hunt for the tomb of Tutankhamen. Our history lessons will delve into this further and geography will look at Egypt and its reliance on the Nile. Science this term looks at the digestive system and following this we will look at food chains and complete some field work.

At the time of writing, we are all very excited for our residential visit to Condover. We will tell you all about it and will take lots of photos!

We continue to be truly amazed by the impact of Times Table Rock Stars on the current Year 4. The competition to succeed is fierce and we hold tournaments within the class as well as inter classes to encourage even more great knowledge.

We look forward to a cricket and athletics festival as well as girls’ football and we will be rehearsing hard for the end of year production. We look forward to seeing you there.