Summer 2022 2nd half

Summer Term 2022 (2nd half)

‘Wonderful World

The arrival of five caterpillars will provide a stunning start to our topic.  The children will listen to the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. 

There will be opportunities to listen to stories about a boy called Oliver - Oliver’s Milkshake, Oliver’s Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad.  The children will learn how to stay healthy and will cut up fruit to make a fruit salad.   They will consider healthy food and drink choices and ways of exercising.  When they take part in Sports Day, they will learn about teamwork and competition.

In Computing, the children will log on, then change the colour and pen size.  They will create pictures and add a capital letter, a space and a full stop to their typed sentences.

In Mathematics, the children will be sharing objects equally and making equal groups.  The children will begin to understand that some quantities will share equally into two groups and some won’t.  They may also notice that some quantities can be grouped into pairs and some will have one left over (odd and even numbers).  The children will solve number problems such as – Who could be in Mr Gumpy’s boat if there are 8 legs altogether?  They will copy, continue and create repeating patterns and draw maps representing places.

The children will find out about minibeasts using non-fiction texts; they will look for and draw minibeasts in Nathan’s Garden. 

The children will consider changes and will think about how they felt when they started school; this will enable them to show empathy for the new children who will be starting in Foundation Stage.  They will also think about what they are looking forward to in Year 1.

A visit to Herrings Green Farm will provide a fabulous finish to our topic and the opportunity to observe animals such as ferrets, skunks and corn snakes.  The children will learn about the life cycle of a barn owl and hold an owl during a ‘hands on’ session.