Autumn 2023

This term we have had a great time working around our ‘Out of Africa’ topic.

In English we have read a variety of different texts including fiction and non-fiction books, our knowledge was reflected in our writing where we have constructed postcard, letters, character descriptions and a retell of the African story book, ‘Lila and the Secret of  Rain . We will be reading the story of ‘Meerkat Mail’ this half term and producing a non-chronological report on an African animal.

 In Maths we have learnt about place value and the value of each digit in a two-digit number. We have compared and ordered numbers. We are adding and subtracting two-digit numbers where some of the numbers will cross 10.  We will also learn about money and we will begin to learn how to multiply and divide.

In Science we are learning about humans including animals; their basic needs and what their environment provides in order for them to survive.   We have learnt that animals have off spring that grow into adults and the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.

In R.E we learnt about how and why different religions celebrate significant times.  We learnt about the importance of Harvest Festivals, Diwali, Bar Mitzvah and Eid.  We then moved on to look at sacred texts and why they are important to people.  

In November as part of our coverage of the History curriculum, we will learn about the significance of why we remember and the symbolism of the poppy.  We will read the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae and read the story ‘Where the Poppies now grow.’ We will learn about the lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements.  We will know about the lives of Guy Fawkes, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

Over the next few weeks, we will be busy rehearsing for our Christmas Performance, learning the songs, the dances and improving our speaking listening skills.  We will all have a part to play and we will look forward to performing it to our grown up.  We are looking forward to all the upcoming Christmas festivities including Christmas Jumper Day.

In PSHRE we focused on managing feelings; we learnt a range of vocabulary to express and explain our feelings. We then went on to learn how to keep calm and mindful.  We have also explored our friendship topics learning to recognise when someone feels lonely and when to reach out and support a friend.

We are now learning about living in the wider world, which covers shared responsibilities and communities. We will explore a range of ways to look after our environment and local area. We will also focus on the basic needs of humans and other living things and the different ways we are responsible to take care of these things.

Additionally, we will be focusing on the topic of health and well-being, specifically on physical well-being. We will investigate the effects of eating too much sugar and what a balanced diet is. We will partake in physical activity and monitor how keeping active every day, for example running on the playground and PE lessons effects our health and general mood.