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Welcome To Our New Website!
Russell Lower School

Welcome to Russell Lower School

At Russell Lower we are proud of our school, our pupils and all they achieve.

 We are a happy school that achieves extremely high standards. Above all, we believe that the children and their development are paramount. We are passionate about enhancing each child’s knowledge, skills and understanding to enable them to become more confident, successful, active and responsible.  Our 'Vision' was devised by our whole community and gives even more about our ambitions for our children.  It can be found under the 'Our School' tab of the website.

We operate an ‘Open Door Policy’, where parents are encouraged to become involved with the school and be an active partner in their child’s education.

In addition to the National Curriculum, children are given diverse additional opportunities in music, art, sport and languages.

We encourage children to stay safe, to be healthy, to enjoy, to achieve and to make a positive contribution.  We have four 'Russell Rights' which we all hold dear: The right to be safe, to learn, to be included and to be happy.  These are reinforced and revisited through everything we do and by all members of our team.

Our facilities include a full-size computing suite, interactive 'Clevertouch' boards in all classrooms, a well stocked (and used!) library, three playgrounds, wildlife gardens and pond area, in addition to and extensive playing fields and grounds.

Ofsted said of the school, 'Leaders and staff have high expectations.  Pupils understand that school is a place to work hard and they show positive attitudes towards learning. Pupils make good progress and pupils behave well because they have clear routines and boundaries...this enables them to learn. Leaders promote pupils' wider development well.' 'Pupils are friendly and happy.  Parents and carers are all very positive about the school.' ‘Pupils benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum that develops their interests...leaders have developed a curriculum that ensures pupils learn the knowledge and skills they need in order to be ready for the next stage of their education.  Pupils say that bullying is rare, but when it happens, there are clear consequences.  School is a nurturing and caring environment for all pupils.’ (Ofsted, November 2022)

Welcome to Russell Lower School!

Nicki Walker


Mrs Nicki Walker

Mrs Nicki Walker

Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead