Russell Lower School

Behaviour at Russell Lower School


At Russell Lower School, we value all members of our community and aim to help our children to be good citizens of the future. We work hard to provide a supportive environment, where children are helped to make positive behaviour choices through a carefully planned system that clearly identifies rights, rules, responsibilities and consequences.

We understand that, although at times we must address behaviour, we must also keep every child’s self-esteem intact; positive attitudes and respect for others are therefore valued and all staff lead by example.

Any member of the school community has a vested interest in developing high standards of behaviour across the school.

School leaders and governors need to maintain the high standards of behaviour if the education standards of the school are to be maintained and improved.

Teachers need focused and enthusiastic children if their teaching is to have any impact.

Parents want children who feel safe and happy in school with teachers who are focused on supporting their learning and not having their attention drawn away by poor behaviour.  Children like to have clear boundaries with rewards and consequences applied fairly and consistently.


Bullying is defined as the targeted and frequent mistreatment of one individual by another or a group.  The children are taught in assemblies the acronym STOP to recognise such behaviours: Several Times On Purpose. It is usually associated with a real or perceived power imbalance in which the bully feels empowered by the helplessness of the child being bullied. 

Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated at Russell Lower School and any child found to be taking part in bullying will instantly reach Step 3 of the Behavioural Steps - see behaviour policy for more details.