At Russell, we know that just like we all have physical health, we all have mental health too.
We all look after it with some important school-wide things:
- We have 4 Russell Rights which are paramount: the right to be safe, to be included, to learn and to be happy
- We are a 'Telling School'
- We all have a Network Hand of people who we can talk to
- Our adults and children all use a well-being scale to support them
- Our adults use an Emotion Coaching approach - we can 'feel' anything at all, but how we behave is a choice and we learn to control this
- We learn how to use 'hand breathing' to calm down
- We are a values based school where relationships and respect are paramount
wellbeing scale children.docx
Well-being scale_adults_Russell Lower School.docx
Feeling Thermometer.docx
wheel of well-being.docx
STOP bullying_final.pptx
Our mental health_22.pptx
Growth mindset_22.pptx
Child friendly safeguarding policy_right to be safe_Dec 21.pptx
Emotion Coaching_Russell strategies_July 2021.pptx