Russell Lower School

We are an allergy aware school


Please be aware that we have a number of both children and staff members with severe allergies in school. As a result, we are an allergy aware school. 

Food allergies affect approximately 1 in 50 children. It is likely that at school children will encounter, and may accidentally ingest, one of many products which cause an allergic reaction.

People who suffer with a food allergy may react to tactile (touch) exposure or inhalation exposure. Not every ingestion exposure will result in anaphylaxis but the potential always exists.

Whilst peanut allergy is the most likely to cause anaphylaxis and death, eight foods (peanut, tree nut, milk, egg, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish) account for the vast majority of total food allergies.

When the symptoms to the allergic reaction are widespread and systemic, the reaction is termed “anaphylaxis”. Anaphylaxis (which can cause breathing and swallowing difficulties) is the most severe and sudden form of allergic reaction and should be treated as a medical emergency. First aid staff in the school are trained to use the Epi-pens (an injection of adrenalin) which is required immediately if this happens, but we never want to be in this position.

As part of this we request that no nuts (of any type) or products that have nuts in them (please refer to the packaging as many products 'hide' nuts) are brought into school at any time, for any reason please. So please can we ask that you have no nut products at all in school (including in ‘private’ lunchboxes or snacks).

We appreciate that this is an additional thing to check, but we know that you recognise the importance of it. 

Thank you so much for your support.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.