Russell Lower School

Governor's Report to Parents

Governors Report to Parents July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the end of this academic year approaches, I’m very happy to report on another hugely successful year at Russell. The whole school community have all played their own individual important roles to make Russell the truly special place it is, so on behalf of the governing board, a huge thank you to you all.

Having been a part of the governing board since 2019 and chair since 2022, I’ve seen Russell journey through some challenging times. But as ever, particularly in schools, the challenges keep coming. I feel Russell has succeeded fantastically well post-pandemic. The recovery curriculum gave the children the best opportunity to progress academically and most importantly placed high value on their all-round well-being. The building of resilience in the whole school community is something that has and continues to have a huge impact. Last year governors asked for your support in restoring Russell’s historically excellent attendance record, and we thank you for your support in this. Absence due to illness has naturally declined since covid and Russell is now much closer to its usual very high attendance record. However, term time holidays do continue to prevent it from being even higher. While we recognise the frustrating nature of vastly differing costs of travel during term time compared to the school holidays - especially in this economic climate - it does impact the children’s progress; just like it would if the children’s teachers took term time holidays, which of course they simply cannot do. The children simply will not get the most out of school, make the progress they should or reach their full potential if they are not there. So we continue to implore you to please not take term time holidays.

The economic climate is having a significant impact everywhere, including the education sector. Mrs Walker, the school finance team and finance and resources sub-committee on the governing board have done a very impressive job managing a shrinking budget, while still providing such outstanding opportunities for the children. I thank them hugely for this, and hope the picture improves sooner, rather than later with the new government. But even if times continue to be challenging, rest assured the school is in good hands and well-placed to navigate whatever comes ahead.

Despite the financial challenges, Russell has continued to achieve excellent results across the school. Reports to governors throughout the year on the children’s attainment and progress have been extremely positive. Russell children are achieving significantly above the national and local comparatives. This is a testament to the efforts of everyone within the school community – the teachers, the senior leadership team, the parents/carers and the children as well of course. We should be exceptionally proud of all of them.

While the academic achievements of the school are of great importance, there is so much more to life at Russell. The vast array of other enriching experiences hugely enhance the children’s all-round school experience. So many amazing trips, visits, residentials, workshops, charity initiatives, sports festivals, performances, community appearances and countless school events. The list is endless. It’s a massive feat to organise and run all of these things, but the children get so much from them. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank every single member of staff at Russell for everything they have done to provide the children with so many opportunities to enjoy all the wonderful aspects of life at Russell, while still providing such outstanding academic opportunities in a safe and nurturing environment. The children are extremely lucky to have such an amazingly talented and dedicated team to care, support and challenge them.

Another aspect of Russell Lower School life that must be appreciated is the PTA. The amount of work the PTA puts in is incredible. The work they put in, the events they run, the money they raise for the school and the enjoyment the children and the whole school community get from them is amazing. So, a huge, huge thank you to the whole team for all that they do.

I must of course also thank Mrs Walker. Her leadership of the school, alongside Mrs Bunney, Mrs Knight and the Phase Leaders is second to none. Seeing her dedication to giving the children the best opportunities possible and her drive to even further improve a school that is already achieving so much is something to behold. She is an incredible figurehead, not just within the school, but within the whole community, and an impeccable role model for the children. The governors cannot thank her enough.

I would also like to acknowledge the work that the governing board have put in over this year. With some members of the board relatively new to the role, it has been very pleasing to see them settle into their roles and make valuable contributions to the school. As we transition into a new academic year, we unfortunately say goodbye to two governors stepping down from the board due to relocation. Francesca Crowther has been a board member since July 2019 and has been the Pupil Premium link governor and has chaired the finance and resources sub-committee this year. Reverend Dominic Holroyd joined the board in July 2022 and has been a great link to the local community. We thank them both enormously for all they have given to the board over their tenures and wish them all the best in their new settings.

Having worked very closely with my vice-chair Mariella Cook over the past two years, it has been abundantly clear that Russell has been extremely lucky to have her in post. She is not only a highly valued member of the board, but a pillar of the Ampthill community. With my own commitments away from Russell, having Mariella be able to attend meetings and be a much more visible presence around school has been invaluable. With this in mind, I thought and then proposed that going forwards, Mariella and I should swap roles. This was supported by the governing board and at the last full governors board meeting, we were both elected to our new roles. We are both looking forward to continuing working together to support the school in our new roles – myself as vice-chair and Mariella Cook as Russell Lower School’s Chair of Governors. 

On behalf of the board, we would of course like to wish those children leaving Russell all the best for the future as they move on to new schools in September. We’re sure they will continue to make us all very proud of their achievements. We also look forward to welcoming our new starters in September 2024. The school is full and ready to provide the children with wonderful, exciting new adventures next year.

Thank you also for your continued support. Parents of course play an enormous part in the success of Russell Lower; supporting the children’s reading, their learning logs, their multiplication tables, helping on the wonderful school trips, volunteering in school, this list goes on. It is a vital partnership between the parents and the teachers that enable the children to thrive, so a big thank you for everything the parent body does too.

Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy summer.

Best wishes

Richard Gallagher
Chair of Governors (08.07.24)

Curriculum, Learning and Standards Sub-Committee

The Curriculum, Learning and Standards (CLS) committee has continued to receive regular reports highlighting how much the children enjoy their time at school, and this is reflected in the excellent academic progress they make with the support of Russell’s highly proficient staff. Increasingly we are also hearing of the clear benefits to children of regular reading at home. - thank you for supporting this.

Over the last 12 months, the school’s curriculum has been thoroughly reviewed, with planned changes in the Religious Studies program and the adoption of a validated phonics scheme set for September. Governors look forward to seeing the impact of these refinements in the next academic year.

Ensuring a continued smooth transition for students moving from Russell Lower to middle schools has also been a focus. Collaboration with middle schools regarding, (but limited to), the curriculum, has been well-established for a number of years and continues to  provide essential support for students as they continue their education.

Governors extend their best wishes to all children moving on to middle school. We continue to believe that their time spent at Russell is excellent preparation for future challenges, both academically and more widely.

Graeme Armstrong
Chair of Curriculum, Learning and Standards Sub-Committee