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Russell Lower School

Anger Toolkit

How can you respond when your child is angry?
  • Try to separate your child’s feelings from their behaviour, remembering that all feelings are okay, even though some behaviour is not.
  • Try not to get angry yourself, as this will only escalate the situation.
  • Avoid asking them lots of questions when they’re feeling very angry or distressed.
  • If it feels appropriate, offer them some time and space to calm down.
  • If you need to, explain why their behaviour is not okay so they understand – and hold consistent boundaries around consequences.

Helpful Books:

My Hidden Chimp: Helping children to understand and manage their emotions, thinking and behaviour by Prof. Steve Peters

What to do when your temper flares: A kids guide to overcoming problems with anger by Dawn Huebner

A volcano in my tummy: Helping children to handle anger by Eliane Whitehouse