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Russell Lower School

Attendance 2020-2021

Attendance expectations from Autumn 2020 during the COVID 19 pandemic

From the start of the autumn term 2020 pupil attendance will be mandatory and the usual rules on attendance will apply, including:

  • parents’ duty to ensure that their child of compulsory school age attends regularly at the school where the child is a registered pupil
  • schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence
  • the ability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices, in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct
If a child’s attendance falls below 90% in the first term and 95% thereafter (school target is 97%) ‘Trigger Point 1’ will be activated - see the attendance policy for more information.
Whole school attendance figures for 2020-2021
Autumn 1: No of children on roll = 420   Attendance = 98%, 0.2% unauthorised
Autumn 2: No. of children on roll = 417  Attendance = 97%, 0.3% unauthorised 
Spring 1:   National Lockdown
Spring 2: (8th March to 26th March) No. of children on roll = 420  Attendance = 99%, 0.2% unauthorised
Summer 1: No. of children on roll = 428  Attendance = 97%, 0.7% unauthorised
Summer 2: No. of children on roll = 429  Attendance = 97%, 1.3% unauthorised