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Russell Lower School

Physical activity at Russell

Russell Lower School is proud of its sporting offer and achievements.
Each day a Premier Sports specialist teacher comes into school providing every child with an excellent, high quality PE lesson once a week.  This is in addition to the children's normal PE lesson with their teacher.
We belong to the Redborne School Partnership and benefit from all children taking part in sports festivals throughout the year.
We have held the KS2 Gold Games Mark and the KS1 RSP Gold Award for several years now and more recently achieved the KS2 Platinum Award for the years 2021/22 and 2022/23. 
Each year we have a competitive sports morning and many additional enrichment opportunities  such as: Scoot sessions, Bikeability,  Walk to school week, Challenge Santa, wheelchair basketball, Irish dancing and year 3 additional swimming.
At Russell, we provide a rich variety of sporting clubs at lunchtime and after school.  The timetable changes each half term and children are notified via letters home in their book bags.
If you would like more information about the sporting clubs we offer, please contact Mrs Davies in the school office. (Office@russell-lower.co.uk/01525 755664)
At lunchtimes, the children are provided with equipment so they can play games and be physical.  Sports Leaders go into all of our playgrounds and encourage the achievements of personal challenges. 
We are very fortunate to have a large amount of outdoor space which is enhanced by our outdoor gym, 3 trim trails and larger pieces of equipment we already have around the school site.
At Russell Lower we value the importance of ongoing physical activity and endeavour to provide a wide variety of opportunities both within and outside of school for the children to be physically active. This year we have tried to encourage and support more physical activity at home by purchasing activity packs for all of our KS1 children to take home, the feedback from this was very positive. 
Take a look at our PE subject area to see what we have been doing in PE and beyond to support our PE curriculum and physical activity.