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Russell Lower School

Reporting absence

Reporting Absence – First Day Response 

It is the policy of the school that no absence should be unaccounted for. 

For safeguarding purposes, on the first day of absence parents/carers are expected to report the absence to the school absence email: pupilabsence@russell-lower.co.uk before 09.05 please.

The parent/carer reporting the absence should give the reason for the absence and the expected date of return.

The office staff will make a written note as to why the child is absent, including how the message was received, email, verbal/voicemail etc.

If the date of return is unknown, regular contact on a daily basis should be kept with the school.

If the school receives no contact a member of the office staff will:

  • Check to see if the child is in the classroom.
If he/she is present, the register will be marked accordingly.  If he/she is absent, they will:

â—‹    Telephone the parent/carer

â—‹    If contact cannot be made, the school has a duty of care to ensure the child is safe and will continue to attempt to make contact with the parents/carers throughout the day and will attempt contact with other members of the child’s emergency contact list (as supplied by the parents/carers) until a reason for absence is provided.

â—‹    If this fails, the police may be alerted that the child is missing.


Reporting an absence, by email, verbally or in writing, does not guarantee authorisation.