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Welcome To Our New Website!
Russell Lower School

School Policies

The school is run in accordance with a number of formal, written policies and procedures. These are regularly reviewed by the Governing Body.

These documents are available in the School Office free of charge to anyone who wishes to see them. Some of them can also be found in the relevant curriculum area of the website, or found below.  Please just ask if you are looking for something you cannot find.  We are always happy to help.


The policies/procedures are as follows:

  • Acceptable user
  • Access to premises 
  • Access, disability and inclusion
  • Admissions
  • Anti-bullying
  • Assessment
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour policy
  • Behaviour principles 
  • Bereavement
  • Business and emergency continuity
  • Capability procedure for school based staff
  • Charging and remissions
  • Code of conduct - Governors
  • Code of conduct - Staff
  • Code of practice recruitment
  • Complaints 
  • Curriculum PSHE, RSE and RE
  • Data protection
  • DBS
  • Dealing with allegations of abuse
  • Debt recovery
  • Designated teacher for LAC
  • Disciplinary 
  • ECT
  • Educational visits and journeys
  • Employee handbook (school based staff)
  • Equal opportunities and inclusion/equalities duty statement
  • Excellence for all
  • Exclusion
  • EYFS
  • First aid in school
  • Fraud
  • Freedom of information 
  • Governors allowances
  • Governor monitoring visits
  • Grievance procedure for staff in schools
  • Health & Attendance
  • Health & safety
  • Health, stress and wellbeing
  • Home learning 
  • Lettings
  • Marking and feedback
  • Maternity, paternity and family related leave
  • Monitoring and evaluation 
  • Non smoking 
  • Online Safety
  • Pay policy for teaching staff
  • Pay policy for support staff
  • Positive handling
  • Premises management
  • Privacy notice for staff and governors
  • Redundancy 
  • Remote Learning
  • Risk assessment
  • Safeguarding and child protection
  • School closure
  • SEND
  • SMSC
  • SRE
  • Staff grievance
  • Supporting pupils with medical and health needs
  • Teacher appraisal and pay
  • Teachers pension
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Uniform
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Volunteers in school
  • Whistleblowing - confidential reporting
  • Working time regulations