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Russell Lower School

Train to be a teacher locally

Local Opportunities to Train to become a Teacher (both Primary and Secondary teaching)

Russell Lower School is working with Redborne Upper School to provide teacher training opportunities locally.

Redborne Upper School is a School Direct Lead School, and is now a National Teaching School. We are able to offer the right candidates a very local opportunity to train to teach via our School Direct courses which we offer in partnership with the University of Bedfordshire. The courses are based on the skills schools are looking for in a newly qualified teacher (NQT) and last for one year resulting in qualified teacher status (QTS) , the award of a postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) and 60 Master’s-level credits.

We have a well-established programme for those training to teach in Secondary schools and from September 2018 we will also have a programme in place for those who wish to train to teach in the primary phase with placements offered in our own pyramid of schools in Flitwick, Ampthill and Maulden.


  • General Primary
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Modern Languages
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • History
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Design and Technology


Are you interested? Do you meet our entry requirements?

Entry Requirements:

GCSE grade 4 or above (or equivalent) in English, Mathematics and Science (science for primary only).

Possess, or be working towards achieving a minimum of a 2:2 Honours degree.

You must pass the NCTL pre course skills tests prior to starting the courses (although you don’t need to have passed the tests prior to attending an interview). You can take your skills tests once you have evidence of having submitted your application through UCAS Teacher Training. You can take the tests at learndirect test centres across the country.

Preferably applicants will have completed a school experience visit prior to application or have a school experience visit planned.

You’ll train in at least two good schools, getting the chance to learn ‘on the job’ – but you shouldn’t worry about being thrown in at the deep end. You’ll be part of a team from the very start, receiving intensive support from experienced teachers and mentors. That means you won’t be teaching classes unsupported until the school thinks you’re ready. For our Primary Programme you will spend the majority of the year in one lower school but also complete a 10 week placement in a Middle School. During placement you will be in school Monday – Thursday and spend Fridays at the University in Bedford undertaking subject and professional studies.

There is a tuition fee of £9,250; student finance can be accessed to pay this sum. Secondary subjects may be entitled to a bursary.

Do you want to find out more?

Please contact Jon Gunn on  stjgunn@redborne.beds.sch.uk to register your initial interest.

Also, please go to the UCAS Teacher Training website and apply to us Redborne Upper and Community College School Direct programme.